[BBC] Metagenomics Satellite Track at the NBIC 2013 conference

Sacha van Hijum svhijum at cmbi.ru.nl
Wed Jan 30 11:39:09 CET 2013

The Netherlands Metagenomics Platform cordially invites you to join the
Metagenomics Satellite Track at the NBIC 2013 on April 17, 2013 in Lunteren, the Netherlands.
Jeroen Raes of the Flemish Bioinformatics Institute and the Free University of
Brussels will be present at this satellite meeting and will also give a
keynote lecture during the NBIC2013 programme.

Abstracts are solicited in any field related to metagenomics or
computational analysis of microbial ecosystems. Topics include:
- All areas of environmental sequencing (e.g. amplicon sequencing,
shotgun metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metaproteomics)
- Prokaryotic, eukaryotic or viral systems
- Sequencing strategies and technologies
- Quality control, data pre-treatment
- Read mapping, taxonomic and functional annotation
- Comparative metagenomics
- Metagenome assembly
- Discovery of novel species, enzymes
- Monitoring, public health surveillance
- The tree of life, the rare biosphere
- Microbial networks and ecosystem modeling
- Host-microbe interactions (e.g. human, plants, corals)
- Role of microbes in bioremediation, biogeochemical cycles
- Visualisation

To submit an abstract, please visit the abstract submission page:
Please indicate that you are submitting your abstract for the
Metagenomics Satellite track.

Dr. Sacha van Hijum

Group leader CMBI Bacterial Genomics
Senior scientist bioinformatics NIZO food research B.V.
Bioinformatics platform leader Top Institute Food and Nutrition

T:  +31(0)318 659 570
F:  +31(0)318 650 400
M: +31(0)624782895
E:  sacha.vanhijum at nizo.nl or svhijum at cmbi.ru.nl
P.O. Box 20, 6710 BA EDE, The Netherlands
Kernhemseweg 2, 6718 ZB EDE, The Netherlands

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