[BBC] ISCB SCS 2013 second call for abstracts / Arts & Science exhibition 2013 call for submissions

ISCB Student Council Symposium symposium at iscbsc.org
Fri Apr 12 14:34:49 CEST 2013

Dear students and young researchers,

The ISMB/ECCB 2013 Conference is just a few months away and the
opportunities to participate beyond attending are closing soon. The
Student Council Symposium and the Art & Science Exhibition are
highlighted below.


_ISCB Student Council Symposium 2013_

*The ISCB Student Council Symposium will be held on July 19th (directly
preceding ISMB/ECCB 2013) in Berlin, Germany.*


The Student Council Symposium is a forum for students, post docs, and
young researchers in the fields of Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics. Participants have the opportunity to present their work
to an international audience, build a network within the computational
biology community and develop important soft skills in an environment
that fosters exchange of ideas and knowledge.

We encourage you to submit an abstract and to bring a poster for
showcasing your work at the Symposium's poster session. As a central
part of the Symposium, ten abstracts will be selected for an oral
presentation. We accept abstracts covering both scientific studies as
well as novel tools and applications in the field of computational
biology and bioinformatics.

Travel fellowships will be available for accepted abstracts, and awards
will be given to best posters and presentations.


_Symposium website_: http://symposium.iscbsc.org/
_Submission link_: http://www.iscb.org/submissions/index.php?id=156
_Travel Fellowships information_:


April 16: Abstract submission deadline
April 26: Travel Fellowship submission deadline
April 30: Abstract acceptance notifications
May 14: Travel fellowship acceptance notifications
July 19th: Student Council Symposium 2013


_Art & Science Exhibition_

ISMB/ECCB brings together scientists from a wide range of disciplines,
including biology, medicine, computer science, mathematics and
statistics. In these fields we are constantly dealing with information
in visual form: from microscope images and photographs of gels to
scatter plots, network graphs and phylogenetic trees, and visual aids
for problem-solving are omnipresent.
For the ISMB/ECCB 2013 Art & Science Exhibition the organizers invite
all interested conference attendees to submit such images and videos
that have been generated as part of a research project. They are also
soliciting images and videos resulting from creative efforts that
involve scientific concepts or employ scientific tools and methods. All
cover images produced by researchers for scientific journals are welcome
as well. A cash award may be given for the winning image as voted by
conference attendees.


_Submissions link_: http://www.iscb.org/submissions/index.php?id=149


May 13: Submissions deadline


We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Tomás Di Domenico (Chair, SCS2013)
Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern (Chair, Art & Science Exhibition 2013)

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