[BBC] Lorentz Training Workshop: Interdisciplinary Life Sciences

Roeland Merks Roeland.Merks at cwi.nl
Tue Jul 2 14:44:56 CEST 2013

Lorentz Training Workshop: Interdisciplinary Life Sciences

Date:                 2013 October 21-25 (Monday-Friday)
Location:           Snellius Buiding (2nd floor), Lorentz Center, Niels Bohrweg 1, 2333CA Leiden, The Netherlands
Organisers:       Roel van Driel (UvA), Roeland Merks (CWI), Jaap Molenaar (WUR)
Contact:            Jaap.Molenaar at wur.nl
Webpage:         www.ncsb.nl/workshop/InterdisciplinaryLS
Registration:      www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2013/598/application.php3?wsid=598&venue=Snellius
Deadline:           2013-08-23

The aim of this training workshop is to bring together 25 young researchers from the life sciences and to train them in modelling of biological systems based on ‘learning by doing'.

We aim at about 25 student participants forming teams of 4 (or 5) members. Each team will work on one specific modelling challenge during the workshop. 

Possible topics might be: Sensitivity analysis of a synthetic mammalian oscillator, Modelling of networks regulating flowering time in plants, Modelling of blood vessel growth, and Modelling of cell division.

For more information, read the workshop webpage: http://www.ncsb.nl/workshop/InterdisciplinaryLS
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