[BBC] Announcement: NCSB tutorial on pathway and network analysis

Kutmon Martina (BIGCAT) martina.kutmon at maastrichtuniversity.nl
Wed Aug 21 11:13:22 CEST 2013

NCSB tutorial: Pathway and Network Analysis

Date:                   2013 September 11 (Wednesday)
Location:             SURF, Building D (5th floor), Hojel City Centre, Graadt van Roggenweg 340, Utrecht, NL
Tutors:                Martina Kutmon, Susan Coort, Anwesha Bohler (NBIC/UM), BiGCaT group, Department of Bioinformatics, Maastricht University (UM)
Contact:              Martina Kutmon (martina.kutmon at maastrichtuniversity.nl)
Website:             www.ncsb.nl/tutorial/pathways
Registration:       www.ncsb.nl/congress/public (deadline 2013-09-04)

This one-day tutorial, aimed at PhD students and postdocs, focuses on integrative approaches in pathway and network analysis. The morning session will be devoted to lectures providing a basic understanding in biological pathways and networks, relevant file formats, pathways and interaction resources, as well as different pathway and network analysis methods.
In the afternoon participants will take part in a hands-on session to learn how to analyse biological processes and networks in PathVisio (www.pathvisio.org) and Cytoscape (www.cytoscape.org). In addition to explaining how the two tools work, it will be demonstrated how they can be used together.
Topics that will be covered are: data visualisation on pathways and networks, statistical analyses, data integration, and tips and tricks how to use PathVisio and Cytoscape.

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