[BBC] NBIC2014 - Extended submission deadline for oral presentation - March 2

Femke Francissen femke.francissen at nbic.nl
Mon Feb 24 11:53:56 CET 2014

***Netherlands Bioinformatics Conference 2014***
April 8 & 9, 2014, Conference Center De Werelt, Lunteren
Conference website: http://www.aanmelder.nl/nbic2014

**Extended deadline abstract submission for oral presentation**
Due to numerous requests, we have decided to extend the submission deadline for oral presentation at the NBIC2014 with one week. The new deadline is: March 2, 2014
Read more about abstract submission: https://www.aanmelder.nl/nbic2014/wiki/abstract%20submission

**Call for nominations NBIC Young Investigator Award 2013**
On April 8, during the conference programme, we will announce the winner of the NBIC Young Investigator Award 2014. This year the winner will receive a prize of 250 euros sponsored by BioSB and will present an honorary lecture.  The call for nominations is open! Group leaders can now nominate researchers who recently finished their PhD for the award. The criteria and submission form can be found here: https://www.aanmelder.nl/nbic2014/wiki/nbic%20young%20investigator%20award

**Birds of a Feather sessions**
This year we are organising Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions on April 9 in the afternoon. The aim of a BOF session is to discuss a topic of your choice in an informal setting. The BOF topics will be announced via the conference website so participants will be able to join the session that interests them most. If you would like to submit a topic for a BOF session, please send us an e-mail!

**Key dates**
Abstract submission deadline for oral presentations: March 2, 2014
Notification date: March 16, 2014
Abstract submission deadline for posters and demos: April 4, 2014

Contact: Femke Francissen, femke.francissen at nbic.nl<mailto:femke.francissen at nbic.nl>
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