[BBC] 3rd RSG Belgium symposium

Jurgen CLAESEN jurgen.claesen at uhasselt.be
Mon Apr 7 09:32:08 CEST 2014

Dear all,

We are very pleased to invite submissions for talks at the third RSG
Belgium seminar. For more information about RSG Belgium, please have a
look at the following link:


The goal of this seminar day is to allow PhD students from different
research groups around Belgium to present their work and interact with
each other. It will take place in Brussels on Wednesday, the 28th of
May 2014 from 14h to 17h.

We will be accepting the first four submitted talks for this session.
So don't wait too long to submit. The featured talks will have 20
minutes to present followed by about 10 minutes of questions. To
submit a talk proposal, simply email rsg-belgium at iscbsc.org with the
title of the talk and the name of the presenter. The submission
deadline is Monday, the 12th of May.

Please diffuse this call to anyone who might also be interested in joining.

Hope to see you there!


RSG Belgium committee
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