[BBC] PhD position in mitochondrial DNA maitenance and expression

Martijn.Huijnen at radboudumc.nl Martijn.Huijnen at radboudumc.nl
Mon Jan 5 11:48:34 CET 2015

PhD position "from the nucleoid to man and back"

The project:

The aim of this PhD project is to identify and characterize the proteins that are involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, the so-called nucleoid, and in the expression of mitochondrial genes. To achieve this, you will integrate existing genomics data that are relevant to the nucleoid and obtain new ones, in a combined bioinformatics/biochemistry approach. You will then prioritize genes for their likelihood of a function in the nucleoid and will functionally characterize these using a combination of bioinformatics and experimental methods. For this project, which is at the cutting edge of mitochondrial research, we are looking for an ambitious, talented PhD student.


A masters degree in Biology, Molecular Life Sciences, Chemistry or Bioinformatics. Experience in the large scale analysis of genomics data is required as is wet lab experience, with a preference for candidates with experience in proteomics, protein biochemistry, genetics or molecular (cell) biology.

•    Scientific interest into mitochondria, their function and evolution
•    Strong motivation and ambition to succeed in scientific research
•    An  independent working style, demanding high quality of your own work
•    Well-developed social skills directed to work in an interdisciplinary and international team, excellent interpersonal and communicative skills
•    Excellent presentation and scientific writing skills

Scientific environment:

The PhD position is in the group of Prof. Martijn Huynen at the CMBI, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands and in close collaboration with Prof. Hans Spelbrink, Nijmegen Centre for Mitochondrial Disorders. The groups of Martijn Huynen and Hans Spelbrink do research at the forefront of computational biology and the functioning of the nucleoid respectively. They employ a combination of experimental and computational approaches that has already led to the elucidation of many proteins of the oxidative phosphorylation and the mitochondrial ribosome. The candidate will apply these methods on the nucleoid, a relatively ill understood molecular system of the mitochondrion. As a PhD student you will be part of the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences Graduate school (http://www.rimls.nl/graduate-school/).

Additional conditions of employment:

As a PhD candidate, you will initially be appointed for a period of 1 year. Your performance will be evaluated after 12 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended for another three years. You will be ranked in the Dutch university job-ranking system (UFO) as a PhD student (promovendus).


Candidates should send their applications including a motivation letter, a CV (including a list of grades obtained during your MSc study), and the names and contact details of two persons who can provide references to Prof. Dr. Martijn A. Huynen (huynen at cmbi.ru.nl). Email contacts for references should be university or company addresses, NOT gmail, yahoo or other large provider-based addresses.

Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Martijn Huynen (huynen at cmbi.ru.nl)

Please apply before February 1, 2015.

Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 41055629.
The Radboud university medical center is listed in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under file number 41055629.
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