[BBC] Job opportunity : Structural bioinformatician - Product developer

Marianne Rooman mrooman at ulb.ac.be
Mon Feb 23 19:36:39 CET 2015

Job opportunity : Structural bioinformatician - Product developer

The possibility of introducing targeted mutations in proteins to rationally modify their stability, thermal resistance, solubility or affinity for other partners is an important goal in protein science, which has applications in a wide series of biotechnological and biopharmaceutical processes. We developed a suite of software tools that predict the effect of point mutations on the thermodynamic and thermal stabilities on the basis of the experimental or modeled tertiary structure of the wild type protein. These tools are extremely helpful in limiting the number of mutations to be tested experimentally, as shown in a number of test cases.

In order to provide access to this suite of software, we have set up a SaaS platform called dezyme and plan to create a company to provide services. In this framework, we are looking for a Bioinformatician.

Job description:
The main task will be the development of software (in C) and application to protein optimization, and involve teamwork with a business developer.

More specifically this job will include:
- Extension and optimization of existing software for the design of more stable proteins ;
- Evaluation of the advantages compared to existing in silico methods ;
- Application of software tools to optimize systems of interest for customers ;
- Positioning of the software offering in industrial processes and in complement to experimental methods like directed mutagenesis.

- Master in Bioinformatics, Informatics or Bioengineer
- Autonomous and voluntary personality
- Professional experience preferred but not required
- Good knowledge of English

Employment status: 
Freelance, Full time; 6 months at the University Libre de Bruxelles and afterwards in a startup 

Send your application with CV and motivation letter to Marianne Rooman (mrooman at ulb.ac.be)

Marianne Rooman
3BIO-BioInfo - BioModeling, BioInformatics & BioProcesses
Université Libre de Bruxelles
50 Roosevelt Ave, CP 165/61, 
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: +32 2 650 2067
Email: mrooman at ulb.ac.be

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