[BBC] PhD position at TU Eindhoven: Thermal therapy for MR-HIFU pain palliation in bone metastases

Bosnacki, D. D.Bosnacki at tue.nl
Thu May 7 18:09:10 CEST 2015

The Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) has the following vacancy PhD student
 "Thermal therapy for MR-HIFU pain palliation in bone metastases” (V50.2257)
at Computational Biology, Department of Biomedical Engineering & Philips Research

To apply and for more information please visit:


Project description

Bone pain palliation achieved through the use of Magnetic Resonance guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MR-HIFU) has greatly improved patients’ quality of lives. This technique provides an alternative treatment to radiation therapy, which is the standard palliative treatment but only benefitted 50-70% of patients. With an increasing interest in clinical application of MR-HIFU on metastatic bone pain, understanding the interaction of focused ultrasound with soft tissue and bone is pivotal to ensure treatment efficacy. For this aim a project to estimate the temperature increase in bone during MR-HIFU treatment has started. First results based on a ray tracing approach, which is a first approximation of these physical effects, are encouraging and can already be used in treatment planning simulations.

Within the key research objectives it will be your challenge to make the next step towards more exact and validated simulation methods. This should lead to a (prototype) tool, which can also be used in treatment pre-procedure planning and adaptive feedback during therapy. To this end initially you should be able to understand the current methods and simulation software and later define and implement strategies towards a better treatment plan. For example, this includes combining a wave equation based approach with the currently used ray tracer. The goal is to create a full clinical flow which starts with Magnetic Resonance Imaging and ultimately computes the temperature distribution in muscle and bone. The developed methods will be validated with pre-clinical/clinical data in cooperation with medical specialists. For this purpose the current software platform should be extended to enable usage in a clinical environment.

As PhD Student, you will:

  *   perform scientific research;
  *   collaborate with other researchers in this project;
  *   assist in teaching undergraduate/graduate courses;
  *   work on the implementation of (prototype) tools;
  *   present results at international conferences;
  *   publish results in conference proceedings and scientific journals;
  *   write a Ph.D. thesis;
  *   participate in activities of the group and of the department.

Your work environment will be at TU/e and Philips Research Eindhoven. Other possible partners are radiologists and clinical Physicist in University Hospitals, possibly in the Netherlands as well as in Germany and England.


We are looking for a candidate who:

  *   has (or soon will have) an MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Electrical Engineering (or an equivalent qualification);
  *   has interest and experience in (bio)physical modeling and programming;
  *   has interest in data visualization;
  *   is a fast learner, creative, autonomous, and shows dedication;
  *   is able to work in a multi-disciplinary team;
  *   has good communication- and writing skills in English.

Appointment and Salary

We offer:

  *   An exciting job in a dynamic environment
  *   A full time appointment for four years by Eindhoven University of Technology (www.tue.nl/en<http://www.tue.nl/en>)
  *   A gross monthly salary from €2125 (first year) to €2717 (fourth year) in line with the Collective Agreement for Dutch Universities.
  *   An attractive package of fringe benefits, including end-of-year allowance, excellent sports facilities and a personal development program for PhD students (PROOF program, w3.tue.nl/en/services/dpo/career_and_development/proof_program)

Biomedical Engineering (BME)

The Department of Biomedical Engineering offers Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Biomedical Engineering, Medical Sciences and Technology, and Medical Engineering. In addition, the department participates in leading national and international research programs. Research areas range from Molecular Bioengineering and Molecular Imaging, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering to Biomedical Imaging and Modeling. The department has more than 750 students and 200 staff members.

Computational Biology Group

The group investigates and applies molecular modeling methods, machine learning, systems biology, and parameter estimation techniques to construct computational models. With these models we improve our qualitative and quantitative knowledge of biomedical processes and structures such as biomembranes, protein interactions, complex biochemical networks and diseases like metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus.

Visualization Group at the Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

The group develops new methods and techniques for interactive visualization in order to analyze and understand large datasets. The main fields of interest are information visualization and visual analytics, both aiming at insight in abstract data (such as tree structures, networks, and multivariate data) and spatial data (such as volumetric biomedical data and moving objects). Our aims are to develop new visual representations and interaction methods, as well as new evaluation methods to obtain a better understanding of the visualization process itself.

Philips Research

Philips Research is a global organization that helps Philips to introduce meaningful innovations that improve people’s lives. We provide technology options for innovations in the area of health and well-being, targeted at both developed and emerging markets. Positioned at the front-end of the innovation process, we work on everything from spotting trends and ideation to proof of concept and – where needed – first-of-a-kind product development.


More information can be obtained from:

  *   Dr. Huub ten Eikelder (mail: H.M.M.t.Eikelder at tue.nl<mailto:H.M.M.t.Eikelder at tue.nl>      , phone: +31(0)40 247 5153)
  *   Dr.      Dragan Bosnacki (mail: D.Bosnacki at tue.nl<mailto:D.Bosnacki at tue.nl>      , phone: +31(0)40 247 5159)
  *   Dr.      Michel Westenberg (mail: M.A.Westenberg at tue.nl<mailto:M.A.Westenberg at tue.nl>      phone: +31(0)40 247 4893)
  *   Aaldert Elevelt, MSc. (mail: Aaldert.Elevelt at philips.com<mailto:Aaldert.elevelt at philips.com>  phone: +31(0) 6 10364128)


If you are interested this position, please send us your application by using the 'apply now’ button on the TU/e website:


Your application should be addressed to Dr. Huub ten Eikelder. Application must include a personal motivation letter (about 1 page) accompanied by a Curriculum Vitae, academic credentials (mark sheets and degree statements), a digital copy of your MSc thesis and names and contact details of at least two references (previous academic supervisors).Submissions will be not considered eligible without these documents.

Screening of applications will start as soon as applications are received and will continue until the position has been filled.

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