[BBC] Position at Unit of Animal Genomics (Liège, Belgium)

Tom Druet tom.druet at ulg.ac.be
Fri Feb 5 14:56:26 CET 2016

The Unit of Animal Genomics (Liège, Belgium) and the Walloon Breeders 
Association invite applications for a position to implement genomic 
selection in Belgian Blue Beef cattle.

The Unit of Animal Genomics 
under the supervision of Prof Michel Georges, focuses on the forward 
genetic dissection of Mendelian and complex traits in domestic animals 
and humans. One of the key projects of the group is the development of 
approaches for the utilization of molecular information in livestock 
breeding, including genomic selection and transgenics. The lab is based 
in the Interdisciplinary Cluster of Applied Genoproteomics 
(GIGA-Research) at the University of Liège in Belgium 
(http://www.giga.ulg.ac.be <http://www.giga.ulg.ac.be/>).

The researcher will join our team to implement a genomic selection 
program in the Belgian Blue Beef cattle breed, whose animals are famous 
for their exceptional muscular development referred to as 
« double-muscling ». The main responsibility will be the development of 
a new evaluation model for all traits recorded on farm. In addition, he 
will explore solutions to improve the accuracy of genome-enabled 
predictions through the development of statistical models or through 
integration of information obtained through whole-genome sequencing 
(causative or functional variants). The successful candidate will have 
access to high-density genotyping and whole-genome sequencing data in 
addition to phenotypes for a large serie of traits.

The candidates should have good skills and strong interest in 
statistical modeling and programming. A background in quantitative 
genetics is an asset. Experience in genetic and genomic evaluation and 
in animal breeding would be desirable. The work will be performed in an 
international environment with communication in English.

Applications, including a C.V., a letter of interest in the position and 
a list of three referees (with contact information) should be adressed 
per e-mail to :

tom.druet at ulg.ac.be

Dr Tom Druet
Unit of Animal Genomics
GIGA-Research and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Liège

The position remains open until a good candidate is identified.

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