[BBC] Postdoc position in the Archie lab

Karoline Faust kfaust at vub.ac.be
Thu Feb 11 17:53:23 CET 2016

Post-doctoral position in the ecology and evolution of baboon gut microbiomes

A postdoctoral position applying ecological and evolutionary frameworks to understand the causes and consequences of gut microbial dynamics is available in the lab of Elizabeth Archie (University of Notre Dame, Department of Biological Sciences; http://blogs.nd.edu/archielab/). The postdoc will have access to an unprecedented data set of 20,000 microbiome samples, collected from 600+ individual baboons and spanning over 15 years. These samples are currently being sequenced at the 16S rRNA v4 region in collaboration with the Earth Microbiome Project (http://www.earthmicrobiome.org/); data will be available in the spring of 2016. Samples were collected from the well-studied Amboseli baboon population in Kenya (http://amboselibaboons.nd.edu/), which has long-term data on the baboons’ ecology, social interactions, health, and fitness. Some relevant recent publications include: Tung et al. (2015) eLife and Archie & Tung (2015) Curr Opin Behav Sci.

Postdoctoral applicants should have a strong background two or more of the following areas: microbial ecology, community ecology, evolution, behavior, bioinformatics, and genomics. Strong data analysis skills, including programming and statistical modeling experience, are preferred. Familiarity or experience with primates is a plus, but is not essential. Several projects are available; applicants will have the freedom to choose their own projects as long as they fit within the general interests of the collaborative research.

The Archie lab offers congenial research environments that foster strong interdisciplinary training and collaborative exchange. Collaborators on this project include Jenny Tung (http://www.tung-lab.org/), Ran Blekhman (http://blekhmanlab.org/) Luis Barreiro (http://luis-barreirolab.org/), Stuart Jones (http://www3.nd.edu/~sjones20/), and David Boone (IU School of Medicine), all of whom are available for advice and interaction. The postdoc is funded by the Eck Institute for Global Health, and the Environmental Change Initiative at Notre Dame.

To apply for the position please send an email to Elizabeth Archie (earchie at nd.edu), including a cover letter, current CV, and contact information for at least two references. The anticipated start date is in late spring or summer 2016. Applicants should submit their materials by March 1 to ensure full consideration.
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