[BBC] [Gtpb] NDARC16 - NGS Data Analysis RNAseq and ChIPseq - Announcement

Pedro Fernandes pfern at igc.gulbenkian.pt
Fri Feb 26 18:15:59 CET 2016

Dear all,

The Applications for the bioinformatics training course NDARC16 - NGS  
Data Analysis RNAseq and ChIPseq, are now OPEN.

  IMPORTANT DATES for this Course
    Deadline for applications: March 20th 2016
    Course dates: March 29th - April 1st 2016

Details are available here:


High-throughput technologies such as next generation sequencing (NGS)  
can routinely produce massive amounts of data. These technologies  
allow us to describe all variants in a genome or to detect the whole  
set of transcripts that are present in a cell or tissue. However, such  
datasets pose new challenges in the way the data have to be analyzed,  
annotated and interpreted which are not trivial and are daunting to  
the wet-lab biologist. This course covers state-of-the-art and  
best-practice tools for NGS RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data analysis, which  
are of major relevance in today's genomic and gene expression studies.

The course is comprised of practical exercises preceded by short  
lectures. Exercises will be conducted primarily in the R programming  
Target Audiences

Enthusiastic and motivated wet-lab biologists who want to gain more of  
an understanding of NGS data and eventually progress to analysing  
their own data.

There is a lot of material to cover in the course, so we will assume  
that you are familiar with a few basics before you come. The tool that  
will we do most of the analysis in is R. There will be a short recap  
of the key concepts at the beginning of the course; however it will be  
beneficial if you are already familiar with how to read data into R,  
perform basic subset operations and produce simple plots.

Some introductory statistics, such as summary statistics for  
continuous data (mean, variance etc) and interpreting the results of a  
t-test, will be also be assumed. See "Statistics at Square One""  
Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 7 (Statistics at Square One - BMJ) for a good  

Basic unix skills, such as being able to list the contents of a  
directory and copy files, would also be an advantage. See "Session 1"  
of the Software Carpentry training for a Unix introduction  
(Shell-novice material from the Software Carpentry Foundation).

Best wishes
Pedro Fernandes
GTPB Coordinator

Pedro Fernandes
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Apartado 14
2781-901 OEIRAS
Tel +351 21 4407912

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GTPB at igc.gulbenkian.pt

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