[BBC] BioVis at ISMB 2016 Call for Participation

Jan Aerts jan.aerts at kuleuven.be
Thu Apr 14 09:04:34 CEST 2016

The BioVis Interest Group (http://www.biovis.net) is organizing a meeting
at ISMB in 2016. This meeting brings together researchers from the
visualization, bioinformatics, and biology communities with the purpose of
educating, inspiring, and engaging visualization researchers in problems in
biological data visualization, as well as bioinformatics and biology
researchers in state-of-the-art visualization research.

BioVis at ISMB 2016 is co-located with ISMB 2016 <http://www.iscb.org/ismb2016>
and will be taking place on July 8in Orlando, Florida at the Disney World
Resort Swan and Dolphin hotel <http://www.iscb.org/ismb2016-accommodation>.
The main ISMB 2016 conference will run from July 8 through July 12.

There are three possible ways to participate in BioVis at ISMB:

[1] New Research: Participants are invited to submit an abstract describing
high-quality original research. Abstracts will be reviewed by the program
committee and all accepted abstracts will be included in the poster
session. The authors of selected abstracts will be asked to give a brief
oral presentation during the SIG meeting.
[2] Highlights: Participants may submit an abstract describing work
published in the previous year as well as additional work undertaken since
publication. The program committee will review these abstracts.
Additionally, the BioVis SIG program committee may also invite authors of
outstanding publications from other venues. The authors of selected
abstracts will give an oral presentation during the SIG meeting.
[3] Posters: We seek work in progress and preliminary results; previously
published work from other venues; visualization challenges.

Key Dates for BioVis at ISMB:

- May 3, 2016 - Submission deadline for the Highlights Track and New
Research Track
- May 17, 2016 - Submission deadline for Poster Track
- May 20, 2016 - Notifications for Highlights, New Research, and Posters

For more info on BioVis at ISMB see: http://biovis.net/2016/ismb/

BioVis is also holding a meeting at IEEE VisWeek in 2016. For more info on
BioVis at VIS see:http://biovis.net/2016/ieeevis/

General chairs
- G. Elisabeta Marai, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Jan Aerts, KU Leuven, Belgium

Paper chairs
- Daniel Weiskopf, University of Stuttgart, Germany
- Marc Streit, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Poster chairs
- Michel Westenberg, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
- William Ray, The Ohio State University, USA

Publication chairs
- Alexander Lex, University of Utah, USA
- Florin Chelaru, MIT, USA

Primer & challenges chair
- Eamonn Maguire, CERN, Switzerland

Highlights chair
- Julian Heinrich, CSIRO, Australia

Data contest chairs
- Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA
- Cagatay Turkay, City University, London, UK

Design contest chairs
- Ryo Sakai, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Francis Rowland, EBI, UK

Industry and fundraising chair
- Hector Corrado Bravo, University of Maryland, USA

Website chairs
- Tuan Dang, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Anamaria Crisan, University of British Columbia, Canada

Publicity chairs
- Jillian Aurisano, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Steering Committee
- Kay Nieselt, University of Tuebingen, Germany
- Nils Gehlenborg, Harvard Medical School, USA
- Jessie Kennedy, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
- Jos Roerdink, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
- Raghu Machiraju, The Ohio State University, USA (Chair)

Prof Jan Aerts
* Visual Data Analysis Lab (vda-lab.be)
* Data Visualization Lab (datavislab.org)
* Bioinformatics - ESAT/STADIUS, Faculty of Engineering (
* iMinds Medical IT Department (www.iminds.be)

KU Leuven - University of Leuven
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2446
3001 Leuven-Heverlee
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6416-2717
Tel: +32 16 321053
Fax: +32 16 321970
VAT BE 0419 052173
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