[BBC] Postdoc opportunities in Metagenomics Group Utrecht Univeristy

Bas E. Dutilh bedutilh at gmail.com
Wed May 11 10:45:45 CEST 2016


The Metagenomics Group at Utrecht University (UU) in The Netherlands aims
to fully understand microbial ecosystems by analyzing and modeling
meta'omics datasets. For example, we identify new microbes and viruses in
metagenomes, study their distributions in different environments, and infer
their interactions within the underlying microbiomes. Two examples of
ongoing projects include modeling the phage-host interaction network in the
human gut, and elucidating the metabolic routes used for biodegradation of
hydrocarbon contaminations in soil. All projects start from metagenomic
datasets and use computers to understand the underlying ecosystem,
including phage-host prediction and metabolic network inference in the
examples above. We collaborate internationally with wet lab biologists to
obtain novel data, and we recycle "big data" from public repositories,
where much remains to be discovered by using innovative tools. The group
currently has two opportunities for new postdocs who are driven by the
challenge of understanding the fundamental ecological and evolutionary
mechanisms shaping microbial communities. Candidates will be given the
opportunity to manage their own projects within the group, supervise
students, write papers, and apply for grants.

For more details and an application link, please see

Dr. Bas E. Dutilh
Metagenomics Group
Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics, Utrecht University
Utrecht Bioinformatics Center
+31 (0)30 253 4212 - http://tbb.bio.uu.nl/dutilh
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