[BBC] Postdoctoral position - Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory - Brussels

Matthieu Defrance matthieu.dc.defrance at ulb.ac.be
Wed Jun 15 16:20:02 CEST 2016

Postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the Breast Cancer Translational Research Laboratory (BCTL) (Faculty of Medicine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium)

The BCTL directed by Prof. Christos Sotiriou MD, PhD, is located at the Institut Jules Bordet (Faculty of Medicine, Université Libre de Bruxelles), the only comprehensive cancer centre in Belgium.

The current research projects of the lab include:
- Molecular characterization of breast cancer using several “omics” techniques including NGS and CNA arrays to study tumour heterogeneity, disease progression and resistance to treatment(s);
- Characterization at the molecular level of the minimal residual disease including the study of circulating tumor cells and circulating tumor DNA;
- Several of the above translational research projects are part of international clinical studies.

The candidate is expected to lead his/her own projects and mentor graduates students. He/she must be highly motivated, able to work independently, and show strong organizational skills. 

The candidate should hold a PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology or biostatistics and should show strong interest for breast cancer research, genomics, bioinformatics and translational medicine. Applicants should have prior experience in NGS and microarrays data analysis. Moreover, strong programming skills (R, Python/Perl) and familiarity with UNIX environment are required.

Fluency in English is expected. Practical knowledge in French is a plus. 

The successful candidate will join an enthusiastic and interdisciplinary team of researchers, clinicians and bioinformaticians to work at the forefront of breast cancer translational research.

Initial funding is available for 2 years, with possible extension for 2 additional years. 

How to apply:
Applications including a letter of application, an up-to-date CV and at least two referees should be sent to Prof. Christos Sotiriou (christos.sotiriou at bordet.be) and Dr. Françoise Rothé (francoise.rothe at bordet.be). Application deadline: 30 September 2016

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