[BBC] VIB BITS Training courses September 2016

Alexander Botzki Alexander.Botzki at vib.be
Wed Aug 10 13:42:49 CEST 2016

Dear all,

For your information, please find below our offering of training courses for September 2016.

Basic statistics in R 
This training gives an introduction to the use of the statistical software language R. This introduction is aimed at beginners. The training covers data handling, graphics, mathematical functions and some basic statistical techniques.
Understanding of basic statistical concepts is required, such as data types, normal distribution, descriptive statistics, tests for comparing groups...
If you want to follow the metagenomics training or the RNA-Seq training and you have no experience in R, you are strongly encouraged to follow this introduction.
Date: 2 and 9 September
Location: Park Inn, Leuven
Trainer: Janick Mathys
More information and registration: http://www.vib.be/en/training/research-training/courses/Pages/default.aspx?VIBCourseCategory=Bioinformatics

Mass spectrometry data processing 
In this training we start by reviewing the types of mass spectrometers, and what the properties of their output data are. Out of our understanding of the data, we learn to extract meaningful interpretations.
Requirements: basic understanding of mass spectrometry as applied to peptides and proteins.
Date: 12 and 13 September
Location: BioAccelerator, Gent
Trainer: Lennart Martens
More information and registration: http://www.vib.be/en/training/research-training/courses/Pages/default.aspx?VIBCourseCategory=Bioinformatics

This training will start with the presentation of a 16S pipeline in a Linux environment, using a minimal amount of Linux commands. This will enable the preprocessing of the data going from raw reads to taxonomic tables and phylogenetic trees. The second part of the training will give an overview of numerical ecology and takes part in R.
Requirements: The training is intended for people who have some experience with R. If you have no experience with R you can attend the R introduction training. Linux usage will be part of the course, but very basic Linux knowledge is sufficient for this course.
Date: 16 September
Location: Park Inn, Leuven
Trainer: Falk Hildebrand
More information and registration: http://www.vib.be/en/training/research-training/courses/Pages/default.aspx?VIBCourseCategory=Bioinformatics

Linux for bioinformatics 
This hands-on training will show you how to effectively use Linux,, be it on the server of your department, or on your own computer (even if you're already running Windows or Mac OS).
Date: 23 and 26 September
Location: Park Inn, Leuven
Trainer: Christof De Bo
More information and registration: http://www.vib.be/en/training/research-training/courses/Pages/default.aspx?VIBCourseCategory=Bioinformatics

Best regards,

Alexander Botzki
Manager BITS | Training Coordinator ELIXIR-BE

VIB - BITS, Rijvisschestraat 126, 9052 GENT | +32 9 248 16 00
www.bits.vib.be | @bitsatvib | https://corefacilities.vib.be 

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