[BBC] Announcement, Utrecht Bioinformatics Center Annual Symposium: Keith Baggerly

Breukelen, B. van (Bas) b.vanbreukelen at uu.nl
Tue Sep 13 12:51:42 CEST 2016

On Monday October 3rd 13:00 till 18:00 there will be the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center Annual Symposium
Don't miss this event and register today. This symposium is free of charge.
Location: Zaalverhuur 7, Boothstraat 7, 3512 BT Utrecht<http://ubc.us12.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=02d188b181bc253cd9b1e5c1b&id=cc2e0bb193&e=79745d8773>

Register at: ubc2016.eventbrite.com<http://ubc2016.eventbrite.com>

Keynote speaker, Keith Baggerly research interests involve the analysis of high-throughput biological data, and centers on themes of experimental design and reproducible research. He is best known as a practitioner of "forensic bioinformatics", where raw data and reported results are used to reconstruct what the methods must have been. He has been the leading investigator exposing the flaws and shortcomings of research performed by Anil Potti at Duke university. In the end, this has led to the retraction of four high-profile publications from Duke and shutdown of three clinical trials using these results. Prof. Baggerly is a strong advocate of sharing all data and code and having appropriate data manageme! nt plans t o ensure that research results are reusable and reproducible.

The title of his talk is: When is Reproducibility an Ethical Issue? Genomics, Personalized Medicine, and Human Error

Moreover we will have three more great talks by:

  *   Bernd Helms<http://ubc.us12.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=02d188b181bc253cd9b1e5c1b&id=d07909be0e&e=79745d8773> (Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University), “Lipidomic analysis reveals dynamic fluxes in lipid storage organelles of liver cells”
  *   Lodewyk Wessels<http://ubc.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=02d188b181bc253cd9b1e5c1b&id=90a1b6da6e&e=79745d8773> (Dutch Cancer Institute), Molecular networks and therapy response.
  *   Rob de Boer<http://ubc.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=02d188b181bc253cd9b1e5c1b&id=b6939ebe83&e=79745d8773> (Theoretical Biology and Bioinformatics, Utrecht University), Simple models and complicated bioinformatics to study diverse T cell repertoires.


  *   13:00 - 13:15  Registration and coffee
  *   13:15 - 13:30  Welcome by Prof Berend Snel, chair of the UBC: UBC progress report
  *   13:30 - 15:00  Talks by, Bernd Helms, Lodewyk Wessels and Rob de Boer
  *   15:00 - 15:30  Coffee / Tea
  *   15:30 - 16:15  Keynote speaker: Keith Baggerly (MD Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas)
  *   16:15 - 18:00  Reception with drinks and snacks

We hope you to see you at the symposium,
And with kind regards,
The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center
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