[BBC] PhD student / Postdoc position in Molecular Epidemiology of Osteoarthritis, Leiden, The Netherlands.

I.Meulenbelt at lumc.nl I.Meulenbelt at lumc.nl
Tue Nov 1 13:28:40 CET 2016

Dear BeNeLux bioinformatics members,

The section Molecular Epidemiology embedded in the department of Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics at Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands is looking for either a PhD student or a Postdoc to work on a VICI project aimed at identifying high dimensional molecular profiles in joint tissues marking diverse osteoarthritis subtypes. The second phase of the project will involve applying integrated data analyses of identified molecular profiles with circulating molecular biomarkers. Ultimately, in this precision medicine  approach the  therapeutic modes of action needed for different OA patients is identified.

For further information and submitting applications, please visit: https://www.lumc.nl/over-het-lumc/werken-bij/vacatures-solliciteren/research-onderwijs/OIOPostdocEpidemiologie?setlanguage=English&setcountry=en

Best wishes,

Ingrid Meulenbelt

Ingrid Meulenbelt, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. Medical Statistiscs and Bioinformatics
Section Molecular Epidemiology
Leiden University Medical Center
Postzone S05-P
Einthovenweg 20
2333 ZC Leiden
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 71 5269734

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