[BBC] Last call: BioSB HotTopics: ONT Nanopore sequencing, April 20th, Delft

Thomas Abeel t.abeel at tudelft.nl
Wed Apr 12 18:47:24 CEST 2017

Dear colleagues,

April 20, 2017 we organize a BioSB HotTopics workshop on ONT Nanopore 
sequencing at TU Delft. You are cordially invited.

Full program and registration: http://bit.do/biosb_nanopore

Nanopore sequencing has been revolutionizing the sequencing arena for 
the last few years. The last decade, sequencing went from 
highly-specialized to a commodity product that can be readily purchased 
from a specialty provider. ONT has taken this again a step further and 
is now enabling anyone to get into 'do-it-yourself' sequencing. 
Sequencing now requires no capital investment, very little in lab setup 
and anybody with a steady hand can start to generate data.

While the technology has tremendous potential, there are still a few 
teething problems and sharing expert knowledge is critical to realize 
its full potential.

The goal of this meeting is to bring the 'local' ONT community together 
and strengthen information sharing and collaboration within the 
Netherlands and beyond.

The program is aimed at novice and expert users alike.

This is the last call for participation and registration. Registration 
closes April 14, 9am.

kind regards,

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