[BBC] [Gtpb] MSc level Scholarship in Portugal (technical support and consulting in Bioinformatics)

Pedro L. Fernandes pfern at igc.gulbenkian.pt
Sat Aug 12 01:08:58 CEST 2017

MSc level Scholarship in Portugal (technical support and consulting in  

The activities proposed for this position have the purpose of  
contributing to the development of the IGC Bioinformatics suport  
facility in the context of the Biodata.pt infrastructure. The  
candidate will perform technical support and consulting regarding the  
analysis of biological data using existing computational approaches.  
She/He also contribute to the development of a computational  
infrastructure suitable for the execution of bioinformatics analysis.  
He/She will promote the use of computational methods in the analysis  
of biological data through the production and delivery of training  
materials and computational resources. Finally, he/she will contribute  
to the creation of a wider network of bioinformatics support units at  
the national level.


Pedro L. Fernandes
Bioinformatics Training Coordinator
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Apartado 14
2781-901 OEIRAS

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