[BBC] Bioinformatics position at Wageningen UR

Warris, Sven sven.warris at wur.nl
Wed Jan 3 22:54:25 CET 2018

Dear all,

Our group Applied Bioinformatics from Wageningen UR is looking for a new 

Bioinformatics Research Assistant


We are looking for:
The bioinformatics assistant will join a small team that supports a 
variety of larger collaborative projects ranging from RNA-seq analysis 
to hybrid de novo genome assemblies. Additional points of focus are 
genome reconstruction, annotation, comparative genomics, genetic 
variation analysis, phylogenomics and genome bioinformatics tool 
development. Of specific interest are TKI projects that focus on genetic 
diversity analysis, genome mapping, as well as development of a digital 

We ask:
The position requires a researcher with expertise in applied 
bioinformatics, preferably holding a Master degree (at least a Bachelor 
degree in Bioinformatics (HBO) is required). We aim for an enthusiastic 
collaborator, who is strong in communication with wet-lab biologists and 
industrial collaborators and has a project-oriented attitude directed 
towards solutions.

More information:
For more information about this position, please contact dr. ir. Sander 
Peters, senior scientist Applied Bioinformatics cluster of Bioscience, 
Wageningen Plant Research, +31-317-481123 , sander.peters at wur.nl, or dr. 
Jens Allmer, Cluster leader Applied Bioinformatics, Wageningen Plant 
Research, +31-317-484 226, jens.allmer at wur.nl.

Kind regards,

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