[BBC] Solvay workshop on "Dynamics on Biological systems: Modelling genetic, signalling and microbial networks"

Karoline Faust karoline.faust at kuleuven.be
Wed Jan 24 19:33:24 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to announce the Solvay workshop on "Dynamics on Biological systems: Modelling genetic, signalling and microbial networks", which will take place in Brussels from 2-4 May 2018. Registration is free of charge but required (limited number of places). We also encourage attendees to present a poster. More information can be found here:


Please do not hesitate to diffuse this announcement.

We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels in May 2018.

Best regards,

The Organising Committee:

Geneviève Dupont (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)
Karoline Faust (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Claude Gérard (UCL, Louvain, Belgium)
Didier Gonze (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)
Jean-Christophe Leloup (ULB, Brussels, Belgium)

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