[BBC] post doc position in molecular dynamics

l.lins at uliege.be l.lins at uliege.be
Tue Jun 12 16:26:19 CEST 2018

The Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics at the Interfaces (LBMI) from Uliège (GBX ABT) is looking for a post doc in the field of molecular dynamics.
Candidate profile : The candidate should have a PhD in biophysics (science) and expert skills in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are mandatory. Skills in experimental biophysics (langmuir trough, ITC, …) and knowledge in the field of surfactant molecules and lipopeptides are an advantage. Being fluent in english (written and spoken) is mandatory.
He (she) will not have been working in Belgium for the two last years.
The project : In the context of an ERA-COBIOTECH european project, BestBioSurf is dedicated to design new dispersant molecules, based on the properties of lipopeptides, especially the surfactin family. The task for LBMI is to define parameters for the molecules in relation with their dispersant properties and, based on those parameters, to predict a good candidate molecule  with adequate dispersing properties using molecular modelling approaches and more specifically MD approaches. The molecule will then be producted and tested by the other partners.   
We propose a one year contract as post doc, with a possible extension of few months.

Contact : 
Pr Magali Deleu : magali.deleu at uliege.be
Pr Laurence Lins : l.lins at uliege.be

Dr Laurence Lins
FNRS Senior Research Associate
Head of Molecular Biophysics at Interface Lab (LBMI)
University of Liège-Gembloux Agro Bio Tech
Passage des Déportés,2-5030 Gembloux-Belgium
Tél : (00-32) (0)-81-622644
Partner of VALBRAN Interreg project (Interreg FVW - V): www.valbran.eu

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