[BBC] October training workshops at Edinburgh Genomics: Linux for Genomics, Intro to RNAseq Analysis and Intro to Python

DUNBAR Donald donald.dunbar at ed.ac.uk
Tue Jul 10 11:51:18 CEST 2018

Hello all,

we have some new dates in October for our popular Edinburgh Genomics training workshops<https://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/training>.

We now offer registration, on a first come first served basis, to our Linux for Genomics, Introduction to RNAseq Data Analysis, and Introduction to Python for Biologists workshops developed and taught by our Edinburgh Genomics Bioinformaticians and our training partner Dr Martin Jones.

  1.  Linux for Genomics, Monday 1st October 2018 REGISTER NOW<https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/L4G_011018>
  2.  Introduction to RNAseq Data Analysis, Tuesday 2nd to Wednesday 3rd October 2018  REGISTER NOW<https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/I2R_021018><https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6QQVF7D>
  3.  Introduction to RNAseq Data Analysis, Thursday 4th to Friday 5th October 2018 REGISTER NOW<https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/I2R_041018>
  4.  Introduction to Python for Biologists, Monday 22nd to Friday 26th October 2018 REGISTER NOW<https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/ZBVFTQ3>

Please use the links provided above to register for a place. These workshops are very popular and have limited places, so please do register as early as you can. After registration, you will be asked for payment and then your place will be confirmed. Cancellation up to one month before the workshop will allow a refund minus an admin fee.

See course details on our training pages:

  *   https://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/training
  *   https://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/introduction-rna-seq-data-analysis
  *   https://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/linux-genomics
  *   https://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/introduction-python-biologists-0

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Feel free to share with colleagues and contacts. We plan to offer an 'R for Genomics' and an  'Advanced Linux: Cloud, Cluster and Pipeline Programming' early in 2019, and we will let you know when these are available.

With best wishes and we look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh Genomics.



Dr Donald Dunbar

Bioinformatics Operations Manager

Edinburgh Genomics, Genome Science

Ashworth Labs, The King's Buildings

The University of Edinburgh

donald.dunbar at ed.ac.uk

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