Morgane Thomas-Chollier mthomas at biologie.ens.fr
Wed Mar 20 20:02:51 CET 2019

Please advertise:

A postdoctoral position is currently open to study population genomics of Mexican yeasts. The project is a collaboration between the research groups of Lucía Morales (LIIGH-UNAM), Alexander de Luna (LANGEBIO) and Eugenio Mancera (CINVESTAV Irapuato). The project includes field and laboratory work, as well as analysis of the genomic data generated. 
Applicants with experience in genomics, bioinformatics and population genetics are especially encouraged to apply. Requirements for this position include: 
•	Experience working with Next Generation Sequencing
•	Ability to work cooperatively 

The person taking this offer could be based either at UNAM-Queretaro, Cinvestav-Irapuato or Langebio-Irapuato.

To apply for the position, please send before April 22, 2019, a one-page statement of research interests, CV and names of 2 references to: mayra.flores at cinvestav.mx .

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