[BBC] Postdoc positions in London

Peter Van Loo peter.vanloo at crick.ac.uk
Sun Apr 28 17:13:17 CEST 2019

Hi all,

For those interested in cancer genomics, we’ve got two postdoc positions in sarcoma genomics in London (one at Crick, one at UCL, in collaboration with Adrienne Flanagan):

Best wishes,
Peter Van Loo, PhD
Winton Group Leader – Cancer Genomics
The Francis Crick Institute
1 Midland Road
London NW1 1AT

The Francis Crick Institute Limited is a registered charity in England and Wales no. 1140062 and a company registered in England and Wales no. 06885462, with its registered office at 1 Midland Road London NW1 1AT
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