[BBC] BioSB Course - Algorithms for Genomics, 14-18 Oct. 2019, Delft, the Netherlands

Femke Francissen femke.francissen at biosb.nl
Mon Aug 26 12:53:49 CEST 2019

*BioSB Course -  Algorithms for Genomics*

*Website:              *Algorithms for Genomics
*Date:                    *14-18 October 2019
*Location:    *         Delft, the Netherlands
*Coordinators:  *   dr. Thomas Abeel (TU Delft), prof. dr. Alexander
Schönhuth (CWI), dr. Sandra Smit (Wageningen University)
*Registration: *      registration deadline is *12 September*!* Register
via website

*Course overview*
Comparative genomics aims to compare large sets of genomes in order to
understand and explain differences in traits of an organism. Contemporary
methods are powered by fundamental algorithms and data structures, which
are efficient and scale to large data sets. A thorough understanding of
these algorithms and data structures is necessary for advanced users and
developers in this area. In addition, understanding how comparative
genomics is developing is important to shape your own research. In this
course, we will cover genome analysis, variant analysis, and pangenomics.
Core concepts, applications, and future trends will be discussed, with a
focus on the algorithms and data structures underlying state-of-the-art
methods. The course offers an engaging mix of lectures, paper discussions,
hands-on tutorials, and a do-it-yourself project.

*Target audience*
The course is aimed at PhD students with a background in bioinformatics,
computer science or a related field. Participants are expected to have
experience in command-line usage (Unix shell) and programming (Python), and
have basic knowledge of genomics.

*Learning outcomes*
After having followed this course, the student has a good understanding of
algorithms and data structures in comparative genomics, is able to
implement algorithms in python, is able to read and understand method
papers in bioinformatics in detail, and is able to work with
state-of-the-art command-line tools for genomics.

*Course credits*
The study load of this course is 3 ECTS credits. Participants will get a
certificate after successfully completing this course.

*Registration fee*
The registration fees for this 5-day course are: PhD student: 400 euro
(excl. VAT), Academic researcher (PI/Postdoc): 600 euro (excl. VAT),
Industry: 900 euros (excl.VAT)

*About the BioSB research school*
BioSB <https://www.biosb.nl/> is the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
community in the Netherlands. We are committed to train the next generation
of computational life scientists. Our challenging and inspiring education
programme covers essential topics in bioinformatics and systems biology,
taught by teams of experts.

*Upcoming BioSB courses*
Registration is open for the following BioSB courses:

   - Algorithms for Genomics
   <https://www.biosb.nl/archive-courses/course-algorithms-for-genomics/> -
   14-18 October 2019, Delft, the Netherlands
   - Constraint based modelling
   25-29 November 2019, Leiden, the Netherlands
   - Modelling and optimization for bioinformatics and systems biology
   <https://www.biosb.nl/archive-courses/modeling-and-optimization-2019/> -
   9-13 December 2019, Wageningen, the Netherlands

For more information you can visit our website <http://www.biosb.nl> or
contact us via: education at biosb.nl
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