[BBC] Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Systems Biology at the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

Venkata Pardhasaradhi SATAGOPAM venkata.satagopam at uni.lu
Mon Jan 20 23:04:18 CET 2020

Dear all

Computational Biology Unit at LCSB, University of Luxembourg headed by Prof. Dr. Antonio del Sol is looking for a highly skilled and motivated Postdoctoral fellow to work on an exciting project that aims at developing a computational framework to design cellular conversion strategies for Regenerative Medicine purposes. This framework will be applied to obtain in vitro limbal stem cells, which will be later used for clinical transplantation to treat patients who have lost their vision. In particular, the selected candidate shall develop a computational methodology based on information and graph theories, using single-cell transcriptomics data, to model cell populations dynamics and design strategies for cellular conversion. In addition, he/she will participate in the project management and planning, including the supervision of one Ph.D. student. This is a collaborative project with Professor Michele de Luca’s group at the Center for Regenerative Medicine “Stefano Ferrari”, University of Modena, where the experimental validation of the computational predictions will be conducted.

Please refer the attached job advert for more details and please distribute in your circles.

Thanks & Regards,

Dr. Venkata Satagopam
Bioinformatics Core
Luxembourg Centre For Systems Biomedicine (LCSB)
University of Luxembourg
Campus Belval, House of Biomedicine II
6, avenue du Swing
L-4367 Belvaux

T +352-466-644-6421
F +352-466-644-36421
venkata.satagopam at uni.lu<mailto:venkata.satagopam at uni.lu>

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