[BBC] Position System admin bioinformatics at Hanze UAS (Groningen)

Noback MA, Michiel m.a.noback at pl.hanze.nl
Wed Apr 21 13:23:08 CEST 2021

We are looking for a System administrator System Engineer Linux | Data Steward (v21.0078) responsible for our Linux-based educational end research computational environment
For details go to  www.hanze.nl/vacatures<http://www.hanze.nl/vacatures>

Met vriendelijke groeten, with kind regards,
Michiel Noback

Dr. M.A. Noback | Bioinformatics Senior Lecturer
Institute for Life Science & Technology | Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Phone +31-50-595 4691<mailto:+31-50-595%204691> | E-mail m.a.noback at pl.hanze.nl<mailto:m.a.noback at pl.hanze.nl>
Room H1.90 (via H1.88) | Van Doorenveste

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