Nicole Dalia Cilia nicoledalia.cilia at unikore.it
Wed Jun 1 12:11:56 CEST 2022

[image: Cattura.JPG]


2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
Applications (AIHA 2022)

*https://aida.unicas.it/AIHA2022/* <http://lia.unicas.it/AIHA2022>

The workshop will be held on *August* *21*, *2022* in conjunction with ICPR
2022 <https://www.icpr2022.com/> (26th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition, Montréal, Canada, August 21-25, 2022).

*//           S U B M I S S I O N    D E A D L I N E           \\    \\
E X T E N D E D    T O    6    JUNE (FINAL) !!!     **//*

The increased availability of medical data collected from healthcare
systems has enabled a number of artificial intelligence applications.
Specifically, machine learning can generate insights to improve the
discovery of new therapeutic tools, to support diagnostic decisions, to
help in the rehabilitation process, just to name a few. Bringing together
the advances of this wide and multidisciplinary subject, the aim of this
workshop is to present recent advances in artificial intelligence
techniques for healthcare applications.


Topics include but are not limited to the following:

- Biomedical image analysis

- Data analytics for healthcare

- Automatic disease prediction

- Automatic diagnosis support systems

- Genomic and proteomic data analysis

- Artificial intelligence for personalized medicine

- Machine Learning as a tool to support medical diagnosis and decisions

- Machine learning on handwriting and eye-tracking traces for diagnosis and

- Decoding of neural signals for diagnosis assistance

- Physiological signals processing

- Gait analysis

- Therapy selection

- Brain-computer interface for healthcare

- Biomechatronics for medicine

- Neuromotor rehabilitation


- Paper Submission: June 6th, 2022 (*EXTENDED*)

- Notification of Acceptance: July 3th, 2022

- Camera-ready Submission: July 30th, 2022

Accepted papers will be included in the *ICPR 2022 Workshop Proceedings*,
which will be published according to the publication rules of ICPR
conference. Once accepted, at least one author is expected to attend the
event and orally present the paper.
Papers can be submitted using the EasyChair
Both *source (latex/word) and pdf* files are required.


Nicole Dalia Cilia, University of Enna Kore,

Francesco Fontanella, Claudio Marrocco

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy

Contact Information: Nicole Dalia Cilia, nicoledalia.cilia at unikore.it
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