[BBC] Research Assistant/Postdoc position in scRNAseq analysis

Giorgia Tosoni georgytos95 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 09:59:24 CEST 2022

The Neurogenesis & Neurodegeneration lab at the Netherlands Institute for
Neuroscience (Amsterdam, NL) has a position open for Post-doc / Research
Assistant in Computational Biology.

The Neurogenesis & Neurodegeneration laboratory led by Dr. Evgenia Salta
employs transcriptomics and other molecular and imaging approaches to map
the cellular and molecular complexity of the adult hippocampal neurogenic
niche and dissect the biological pathways that are deregulated in
Alzheimer’s disease.

Check out the vacancies:
-Research Assistant: https://nin.nl/about-us/vacancies/research-
-Post-doc: https://nin.nl/about-us/vacancies/postdoc-in-
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