[BBC] 3 open group leader positions at VIB.AI

BeNeLux bioinformaticians forum bbclist at psb.ugent.be
Mon Nov 27 15:49:32 CET 2023

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We're recruiting group leaders

The brand new ‘VIB Center for AI & Computational Biology’, VIB.AI, in Flanders, Belgium, is looking for three new faculty members.

If you use or develop artificial intelligence methods and mechanistic mathematical models to address fundamental questions in biology, we would love to hear from you.

Vacancy ><https://highlightsciencewriting.cmail20.com/t/y-l-xyhhyid-dhfwdldd-r/>

AI in biology

We welcome applications across all domains of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and associated fields. Examples of research topics include but are not limited to:

[icon VIB.AI]

  *   development of new AI architectures for biology and hybrid models that combine deep learning with mechanistic models;
  *   foundation models of genome regulation using single-cell and spatial multi-omics data;
  *   AI-based modeling of protein structure and protein interaction networks;
  *   AI-based modeling of cell morphology and tissue function using imaging and computer vision;
  *   AI models of disease and digital twin applications.

Biological applications are broad: microorganisms, plant biology, biodiversity and ecology, neuroscience, cancer, and immunology. We also welcome applicants with applied projects, including synthetic biology, AI-driven experiments (experiment-in-the-loop), and bio-engineering.


We offer

The group leader positions at VIB are tied to a KU Leuven (tenure track) professor position and come with full salary and core funding (internationally competitive package) that is renewable for multiple additional 5-year periods, as well as access to state-of-the-art research and top-notch support core facilities, including support to attract talented PhD students and postdocs from across the world.

Explore the vacancy<https://highlightsciencewriting.cmail20.com/t/y-l-xyhhyid-dhfwdldd-y/>

[Lab space]
A brand new collaborative center in Flanders, Belgium

VIB.AI's core mission is to study fundamental problems in biology by combining machine learning with in-depth knowledge of biological processes. Additionally, we are committed to fostering computational and AI research excellence across all VIB Centers, amplifying collaboration and pushing the boundaries of innovation across the institute

About VIB.AI<https://highlightsciencewriting.cmail20.com/t/y-l-xyhhyid-dhfwdldd-j/>


"AI models trained on large biological datasets can greatly accelerate discovery in life sciences. Today, high-throughput technologies and data science are steering biomedical research, and VIB.AI aims to be at the forefront of this revolution."

VIB.AI Director Stein Aerts

Join our team

More about VIB.AI ><https://highlightsciencewriting.cmail20.com/t/y-l-xyhhyid-dhfwdldd-t/>

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VIB vzw

Rijvisschestraat 120

9052 Ghent


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