[BBC] (Generative) AI in Biology - BioSB HotTopics Seminar

BeNeLux bioinformaticians forum bbclist at psb.ugent.be
Wed Feb 21 18:04:58 CET 2024

BioSB is happy to invite you to the next BioSB HotTopics meeting:

27 March, from 13:00 on, O2 building, VU Amsterdam

BioSB HotTopic Symposia are organized with the goal of bringing together researchers (novice and experienced) around a topic to learn from each other in an informal setting.
These symposia are usually very enthusiastically received, so be sure to attend!

Information and Registration: Check our website<https://www.dtls.nl/events/biosb-hottopics-symposium-generative-ai-in-biology/> and see poster below.
Be aware: Registration deadline = 11 March!

[cid:part1.0vZB3cl0.ffmV0RFF at health-RI.nl]

Best wishes,

Petra Aarnoutse

Community manager BioSB

[cid:part2.dbNkk8e9.wKT62UXk at health-RI.nl]

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