[Seminars] PSB event reminder
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Thu Dec 1 09:10:01 CET 2011
Calendar Name: seminars
Scheduled for: Thursday, December 1 2011, 11:00 - 12:30
Event text: Assistant Prof Henrik Jönsson
Computational Biology and Biological Physics
Lund University
Sainsbury Laboratory
University of Cambridge
Details: “Computational Morphodynamics models of the shoot apical
The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is a stem cell niche
acting as a main regulator of above-ground plant
development. The maintenance of stem cells in the SAM,
and the initiation of organs at the periphery are
dependent on genetic regulation, hormone signaling, and
mechanical anisotropies resulting in a complex dynamical
system regulating organized differentiation and growth.
Mathematical modeling has proven to be a useful tool to
understand SAM development at a systems level, and the
use of live microscopy has increased our knowledge of
details in the protein dynamics associated with SAM
development. The emerging field of Computational
Morphodynamics aims at increasing the understanding of
developmental systems by combining computational models
whith microscopy data that provides four dimensional
experimental templates for optimizing the models, and
then predictions of the models are to be verified in
experiments, in an iterative loop between experiments
and computation.
In this talk I will discuss models for stem cell
regulation and primordia formation in the SAM. I will
give examples of models where hormone signaling and
transport are combined with mechanical models for
generating phyllotactic patterns as well as models for
stem cell regulation focusing on the CLAVATA WUSCHEL
feedback. I will further discuss how we use model
optimization to fit the models to templates where
expression regions are marked in spatial regions
relating to confocal images, and how this is used to
make model predictions for the molecular networks.
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