[Seminars] Seminar starts in 2 minutes !!

Delphine Verspeel despe at psb.vib-ugent.be
Wed Jun 3 11:06:01 CEST 2015

----- Doorgestuurd bericht -----

Van: "Delphine Verspeel" <despe at psb.vib-ugent.be> 
Aan: "meetings" <meetings at psb.vib-ugent.be> 
Verzonden: Woensdag 3 juni 2015 10:59:13 
Onderwerp: Fwd: Seminar Prof MiltosTsiantis will start later ! 

Dear All, 

Prof Miltos Tsiantis is arrived. 

Kind regrads, 

----- Doorgestuurd bericht -----

Van: "Delphine Verspeel" <despe at psb.vib-ugent.be> 
Aan: "meetings" <meetings at psb.vib-ugent.be> 
Verzonden: Woensdag 3 juni 2015 10:25:54 
Onderwerp: Seminar Prof MiltosTsiantis will start later ! 

Dear All, 

The Seminar of Prof Miltos Tsiantis will start a little bit later due to a train delay. 

Sorry for this inconvenience. 

Kind regards, 

----- Doorgestuurd bericht -----

Van: "VERSPEEL Delphine" <despe at psb.vib-ugent.be> 
Aan: meetings at psb.vib-ugent.be 
Verzonden: Woensdag 20 mei 2015 16:13:49 
Onderwerp: You are invited to attend “Towards understanding development and diversity of leaf shape” ON 03 June 2015 

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“Towards understanding development and diversity of leaf shape” 

Prof Miltos Tsiantis 

Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research 
Department of Comparative Development and Genetics 

Wednesday, June 03, 2015 

Jozef Schell seminar room 
Technologiepark 927 - 9052 Zwijnaarde 

View event details here 

Invited by Prof Dirk Inzé 

If you do not wish to receive this information anymore, please unsubscribe from future mailings at https://maillist.psb.ugent.be/mailman/listinfo/seminars 

VIB - Department of Plant Systems Biology 
Technologiepark 927 
B - 9052 Gent/Zwijnaarde 
Phone: +32 9 33 13 800 
Fax: +32 9 33 13 809 

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