[BBC] PhD position at the Center for Human Genetics, KULeuven

Stein Aerts stein.aerts at med.kuleuven.be
Thu Jul 2 12:24:21 CEST 2009

PhD position in bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing, and cancer  
genomics at the Center for Human Genetics, KULeuven

The Laboratory of Computational Biology together with the Laboratory  
for Molecular Pathogenesis of Leukemia have a joint position for a  
motivated PhD student interested in genomics and systems biology of  

Research project
The PhD research will focus on high-throughput approaches to further  
decipher the leukemia genome and to identify novel oncogenic mutations  
or structural variations that may underlie tumorigenesis. Secondary  
interest goes out to variations in transcriptional networks and the  
characterization of the underlying cis-regulatory variations.
Available data include gene expression microarray data, GS FLX  
sequence data of candidate gene sets, and may even include full genome  
sequence data of multiple cancer patients.
The challenge of this project is to handle large amounts of public and  
in-house genomic data and to use, benchmark, and develop state-of-the- 
art bioinformatics approaches, while maintaining a clear focus on  
important biological questions.

Master in Engineering, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Bio- 
engineering, or equivalent.
The candidate we are seeking should have basic programming or  
bioinformatics skills, with a strong interest in high-throughput  
technologies and genomics. Having any of the following skills is a  
plus: linux, R/Bioconductor, Matlab, Perl, Java, MySQL, data mining,  
clustering, classification, modeling, (bio)statistics, genome browsers.

The successful applicant will be hosted by the Laboratory of  
Computational Biology, headed by Prof. Stein Aerts, and will be in  
close collaboration with The Laboratory for Molecular Pathogenesis of  
Leukemia, headed by Prof. Jan Cools. Both labs are part of the Center  
for Human Genetics at the KULeuven.

Interested? Send your CV and motivation letter to stein.aerts at med.kuleuven.be

Stein Aerts, PhD
Laboratory of Computational Biology
Center for Human Genetics, KULeuven

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