[BBC] Mini-symposium Ghent - September 28: Bioinformatics: tools in research

Maté Ongenaert Mate.Ongenaert at UGent.be
Mon Aug 1 15:20:27 CEST 2011

Bioinformatics: tools in research
WOUD, a research group of the Ghent University Association organises a mini-symposium:
Bioinformatics: tools in research.

During this meeting, researchers not trained in bioinformatics should get an idea how bioinformatics can be a tool for their research.
More details and registration on http://mellfire.ugent.be/public/woud

The program is included below.

September 28th 2011, Congress Center Het Pand, Gent, Belgium
13:30   Welcome reception
14:00   Introduction: WOUD and bioinformatics (prof. dr. Bruno Verhasselt, prof. dr. Jo Vandesompele)
14:05   Investigating the human gut flora using metagenomics (prof. dr. Jeroen Raes, VUB)
14:25   The post-genomic era: epigenetic sequencing applications and data integration (dr. ir. Maté Ongenaert, CMGG - UGent)
14:45   Visualisation of large datasets (drs. Geert Trooskens, BIOBIX - UGent)
15:00   Race against the sequencing machine: processing of raw DNA sequence data at the Genomics Core (dr. Luc Dehaspe, Genomics Core - UZLeuven)
15:20   Coffee break
15:45   Integrative transcriptomics to study non-coding RNA functions (dr. ir. Pieter Mestdagh, CMGG - UGent)
16:05   Large scale machine learning challenges for systems biology (dr. Yvan Saeys, VIB - UGent)
16:25   Pathway analysis: example from the bench (drs. Jolien Vermeire, HIVlab, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology and Immunology - UGent)
16:40   Proteomics and cross-omics integration (prof. dr. Lennart Maertens (VIB - UGent)
17:00   Closure
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