[BBC] NBIC PhD course on Managing Life Science Information: registration is open!

Celia van Gelder c.vangelder at cmbi.ru.nl
Mon Sep 26 11:36:58 CEST 2011

*NBIC PhD Course on Managing Life Science Information (2nd edition)

*Course coordinators: Marco Roos, Scott Marshall

_Date:_ 17-21 October 2011  (one week of tutorials) and a final workshop 
on Friday 28 October 2011 to discuss project results
_Location:_ Science Park, Amsterdam
_Registration:_ http://www.nbic.nl/education/nbic-phd-school/enrolment/

Did you ever suspect that the data that you need is somewhere but 
neither discoverable nor accessible?
Have you ever produced valuable data that nobody can use anymore, 
including yourself?
Have you ever wondered how to create a federation of distributed data 
If you do not want your data to end up in a data graveyard, and for many 
other information management issues, we have organised a course for you.

In this course we will teach you methods to make data shareable and 
You will learn how:

 1. the 'Linked Data' principle works and how it can be applied for
    'meaningful' data integration
 2. to expose your local data (including relational databases) for use
    in other systems.
 3. Web Services can be used to analyse data from anywhere.
 4. text mining can be applied to link resources such as biobanks.
 5. human knowledge can be made computable and associated with data.
 6. to make your data publishable artifacts for which you can get
    scientific credit.
 7. to use tools such as MolGenis <http://www.molgenis.org/>, Taverna
    <http://www.taverna.org.uk/>, SPARQL
    <http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/>, D2RQ
    <http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/d2rq/>, SWObjects
    <http://tinyurl.com/swobjects-swat4ls>, NCBO's BioPortal
    <http://bioportal.bioontology.org/>, Anni
    <http://www.biosemantics.org/index.php?page=anni-2-0>, LarKC
    <http://larkc.org/>(Large Knowledge Collider).
 8. to collaboratively solve an information management problem

_Program_ (tentative)

Introduction by leading Semantic Web expert Prof. Dr. Frank van 
Harmelen; Hands-on with RDF and SPARQL (Scott Marshall)
XML, RDF, Minimal information models, and exposing data from local 
databases (Scott Marshall); hands-on with MolGenis (Erik Roos)
Data integration with Web Services (Katy Wolstencroft); hands-on with 
Taverna (Katherine Wolstencroft)
Knowledge management and nano-publication (Andrew Gibson); hands-on 
federated queries with SWObjects (Scott Marshall)
Text mining for linking biobanks and hands-on with Anni (Marco Roos, 
Kristina Hettne); Hands-on with LarKC (Spyros Kotoulas); DRINKS!!!

Dr. Celia W.G. van Gelder
Coordinator Education CMBI
Projectleader Education NBIC
tel. +31-(0)24-3666120
e-mail:C.vanGelder at cmbi.ru.nl

Postal address:
CMBI 260
Radboud University Nijmegen-Medical Centre /NCMLS
PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands

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