[BBC] Position for PhD/PostDoc bioinformatics @ Utrecht University, Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group

Breukelen, B. van (Bas) b.vanbreukelen at uu.nl
Thu Oct 11 15:20:11 CEST 2012

The Biomolecular Mass Spectreometry and Proteomics Group at Utrecht University the Netherlands is looking for a PhD student or PostDoc in Bioinformatics
for the following;

In this project we will develop novel proteomics technology to address proteome complexity in melanoma, which shows a rapid increase in incidence and is known for its aggressive nature in development of malignant metastasis and therapeutic resistance. The oncogenic BRAFV600E protein kinase, which leads to activation of the RAS–RAF–MEK–ERK signaling pathway, is frequently mutated in human cancer, including approximately 70% of malignant melanomas. In on-going collaborative efforts with the NKI we target the BRAFV600E proteome using high throughput proteomics, focusing on a variety of posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Currently we are looking for a Bioinformatician to support these efforts. He/she will develop novel software tools that allow mining of the data for biological relevant PTM-expression changes and potential ‘crosstalk’ between the different PTMs and the signaling networks involved.

For questions and/or application please mail,
m.altelaar at uu.nl<mailto:m.altelaar at uu.nl>

Maarten Altelaar
Assistant Professor
Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry
and Proteomics Group
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, Utrecht
The Netherlands
E: m.altelaar at uu.nl<mailto:m.altelaar at uu.nl>
W: http://www.hecklab.com

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