[BBC] [ECCB'14] Call for abstracts: Workshop on Disease Comorbidity

BAUDOT Anaïs anais.baudot at univ-amu.fr
Tue Apr 29 10:38:32 CEST 2014

We are pleased to announce the ECCB'14 satellite workshop dedicated to "Computational and Systems Biology for Disease Comorbidities" that will take place Sunday, 7th September, 2014, in Strasbourg, France.

The workshop will be organized around 3 sessions scoping the discovery, the interpretation and the exploitation of disease comorbidities. Key invited speakers will introduce each session and speakers selected from abstract submissions will broaden the overview of the science currently developed in this field.

We deeply encourage you to submit abstracts to the workshop here:

Informations on the workshop can be found here:

Abstract submission deadline: 15th, May 2014
Workshop: 7th, September 2014

Looking forward to seeing you in Strasbourg, 

Anaïs Baudot & Alfonso Valencia

############# Workshop Description

Disease comorbidity – or multimorbidity – exists if 2 or more disorders affect the same individuals more often than expected by chance. Such co-occurrence of diseases are the rule rather than the exception, in particular in ageing populations. Disease comorbidities hence represent a major burden in public health, and greatly affect disease costs and outcomes. But the recent expansion of large-scale biomedical databases and post-genomics disease-related datasets are now offering an unprecedented avenue for the investigations on comorbidities between human disorders. And Computational and Systems Biology are undeniable actors of such investigations.

Session 1: Discovering Disease Comorbidities
The first session of the workshop will be dedicated to the different approaches that can lead to the detection of comorbidities between disorders, such as the parsing of clinical and epidemiological data.

Confirmed speakers:
Søren Brunak, CBS, Copenhague, Denmark
Maria Martinez, INSERM, Toulouse, France

Session 2: Interpreting Disease Comorbidities
The second session of the workshop will be dedicated to the network-based approaches developed to interpret at the molecular levels the comorbidities between human disorders. Many data and multi-scale approaches studying the entangled molecular relationships between proteins, diseases and/or phenotypes rely on network representations. Phenotypes proximities between diseases can arise from mutations in functionally similar genes, for instance genes coding for proteins involved in the same pathways that are close in a protein interaction network. 

Confirmed speaker:
Ioannis Xenarios, SBI, Lausanne, Switzerland

Session 3: Exploiting Disease Comorbidities
A major interest for the study of disease comorbidities lies in the therapeutic road of drug repurposing (or repositioning). The knowledge on disease comorbidities could drive drug repositioning in a more effective way than systematic screenings. This assumption is the rationale of the last session.

Confirmed speaker:
Patrick Aloy, IRB, Barcelona, Spain

Organizers :

Anaïs Baudot, CNRS, Marseille, France. Contact: anais.baudot [at] univ-amu.fr

Alfonso Valencia, CNIO, Madrid, Spain

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