[BBC] FW: [Training-coordinators] Structural Bioinformatics course at EMBL-EBI, 12-16th October, 2015.

Barbara.vanKampen at radboudumc.nl Barbara.vanKampen at radboudumc.nl
Mon Jul 27 14:14:44 CEST 2015

Structural Bioinformatics course, 12-16th October 2015
Venue: EMBL-EBI, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge UK
Course organisers: Gerard Kleywegt (EMBL-EBI), Christine Orengo (UCL) and Tom Hancocks (EMBL-EBI)

Full programme and registration details can be found at: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/training/course/structural-bioinformatics

Course overview

This course will explore bioinformatics data resources and tools that are available for the interpretation and exploitation of biomacromolecular structures, focusing on how best to use structural information to gain the most from it in specific research contexts. This will include investigating the impact of genetics variation on structure, predicting protein structure and function and exploring interactions with other macromolecules as well as with low-MW compounds.

Course Audience

This course is aimed at researchers who want to learn more about the application of structural information in their work and how to use the bioinformatics resources that are available.  No previous experience of structural bioinformatics is required.


During this course you will learn about:
*         Public repositories of structural data: Protein Data Bank (PDB) and Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB), and tools to search and analyse information in these repositories from PDBe (Protein Data Bank in Europe)
*         Computational approaches to structure prediction: ModBase, Rosetta, PHYRE, Interactome 3D
*         Impact of genetic variation on protein structure: Ensembl VEP, DBSeq, SAAPdb
*         Protein analysis and classification: Pfam, CATH, SCOP, InterPro, PDBeFold, PDBePISA, ProFunc
*         Tools and resources for drug discovery: ChEMBL

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