[BBC] Still places left on Linux for Genomics workshop Thursday 29 September 2016

Bert Overduin Bert.Overduin at ed.ac.uk
Mon Aug 22 16:40:36 CEST 2016

Dear all,

We have still places left on our 1-day Linux for Genomics workshop on
Thursday 29 September 2016.

Note that this workshop is specifically aimed at anyone *without any
command-line experience!*

*Workshop description:*

Genomic studies produce vast amounts of data, usually in the form of very
large text files. Linux is particularly suited to working with such files,
and is therefore arguably one of the most important tools in a
bioinformatician’s toolkit. The Linux command line enables one to view,
filter and manipulate large text files that are difficult or impossible to
handle with applications like Word or Excel, write pipelines to perform
certain tasks and run bioinformatics software for which no web interface is
available. In this workshop we will provide a basic introduction to Linux,
covering the most used commands, followed by a brief introduction to
several popular command-line tools that were especially developed for
genomics(e.g. samtools and bedtools). The workshop will be mostly hands-on.
In the tutorials genomic data and file formats commonly used in genomics (e.g.
BED, FASTA, FASTQ, GFF/GTF, SAM/BAM, VCF) will be used (and explained).

*1-day Linux for Genomics*

Date: Thursday 29 September 2016
Price: £155 (includes coffee/tea and lunch)
Registration: first come first serve
Deadline: Thursday 15 September 2016 noon
Details: http://genomics.ed.ac.uk/services/linux-genomics


Bert Overduin, PhD
Bert.Overduin at ed.ac.uk

The University of Edinburgh
Ashworth Laboratories
The King's Buildings
Charlotte Auerbach Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FL
Scotland, United Kingdom

tel. +44(0)1316507403
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