[BBC] PostDoc & PhD student positions at BIH (Berlin, Germany)

Bogaert, D. D.Bogaert at umcutrecht.nl
Fri Nov 4 12:58:41 CET 2016

Dear all,

I have recently accepted a new post at the University of Edinburgh, Centre for Inflammation Research at the Queen’s Medical Research Institute. 

My group aims to unravel the role of the upper respiratory tract microbiome in health and in the pathogenesis of respiratory diseases applying a combination of molecular (including next gen. sequencing), transcriptomics, epigenetic and immunological analyses to longitudinal and cross-sectional studies in healthy and acutely or chronically ill patients. In parallel, we run a wet lab studying the functional mechanisms behind the observed molecular association patterns observed in above studies. Our ultimate aim is to generate knowledge that will culminate in measures to manipulate microbiota and restore healthy respiratory equilibria in children in general as well as specific patient groups.

We are looking to recruit a highly motivated, enthusiastic and inventive postdoctoral research fellow to work on the analyses and integration of high-dimensional data. The postdoc will be working with data from large scale (longitudinal) studies and trials and will focus on the bioinformatics/statistics of both host and microbiome data in the context of clinical information. The post is available for 2 years in the first instance.

For more information, and details to apply, see:

I hope you can help me distributing the attached job post to interested students and researchers. Please do not hesitate to contact me with
questions regarding these posts (d.bogaert at ed.ac.uk).

Thanks for your help.

Kind regards, Debby Bogaert

Prof. Debby Bogaert, MD, PhD
Principal investigator MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh
Principal investigator Child Health, UMC Utrecht-WKZ
The Queen’s Medical Research Institute
47 Little France Crescent
EH16 4TJ, Edinburgh
e-mail: d.bogaert at ed.ac.uk
PA: Sonia Rafferty, tel: +44(131)2426582, e-mail: sonia.rafferty at ed.ac.uk 
UMC Utrecht-WKZ
Department of Paediatric Immunology
Huispostnummer KC.03.063.0
Lundlaan 6, 3584 EA, Utrecht
Secretarial office: Tel: +31887554003
e-mail: d.bogaert at umcutrecht.nl


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