[BBC] Free webinar from Erik Garisson on "Pangenome variation graphs", Monday Sept 21 at 16:00 (CEST)

Melquiond, A.S.J. (Adrien) a.s.j.melquiond at uu.nl
Sat Sep 19 19:06:49 CEST 2020

Dear bioinformatician fellows,

The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center is organising an online seminar this Monday at 16:00 and we are glad that Erik Garisson (University of California, Santa Cruz) accepted our invitation to give a talk on his work on "Pangenome variation graphs”.

If you are interest to join the talk, please use the following link:

Best regards,
Adrien Melquiond

Adrien Melquiond<https://www.uu.nl/staff/ASJMelquiond>, PhD
* Coordinator of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC) | Hans Freudenthal 0.07 | Budapestlaan 6, 3584CD Utrecht | https://ubc.uu.nl<https://ubc.uu.nl/> | +31.(0)30.2536617 | ubc_AT_uu.nl<mailto:ubc at uu.nl>
* Asst. Prof. in Bioinformatics at the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM), UMC Utrecht | Stratenum 1.304 | Universiteitsweg 100, 3584CG Utrecht | +31.(0)88.75.68790 | a.s.j.melquiond_AT_umcutrecht.nl<mailto:a.s.j.melquiond at umcutrecht.nl>
Contact hours: UBC: Tue-Thu | CMM: Mon-Wed-Fri

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