[BBC] Postdoc opening at Weill Cornell

A.Mahfouz at lumc.nl A.Mahfouz at lumc.nl
Wed Sep 23 09:53:56 CEST 2020

Dear All,

Tilgner Lab is currently seeking a highly motivated computational postdoc/research associate to join our collaborative lab at WCMC (the Medical School of Cornell University) in New York City. The work is geared towards algorithm development and data analysis revolving around healthy and diseased brain using single-cell and spatial long-read sequencing.

A few representative papers include:

  1.  https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.08.27.268730v1  (bioinformatic development of sample comparison using single-cell long-read sequencing and development of slide-isoform sequencing (Sl-ISO-Seq))
  2.  https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.4259 (development of single-cell long-read sequencing using 10x + PacBio/Nanopore applied to early postnatal mouse brain; 2018)
  3.  https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.3242 (wetlab and bioinformatic development of Illumina-based long-read sequencing applied to human and mouse adult brain; 2015)
  4.  https://www.pnas.org/content/111/27/9869.long (bioinformatic development of allele-specific splicing detection from long reads in lymphoblastoid cell lines; 2014)
  5.  https://www.nature.com/articles/nbt.2705 (development of PacBio for transcriptomics … applied to transcriptome sequencing in multiple human organs; 2013)

 They are located at Weill Cornell Medical College on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. The university has a nearby postdoc housing program for easier rental in New York City.

If you are interested, please send a CV and contact information for referees to tilgnerlab at gmail.com. We are eager to talk to you as soon as possible!

On behalf of Hagen Tilgner,


Ahmed Mahfouz, PhD | Assistant Professor, Department of Human Genetics
Leiden University Medical Center | Dept. of Human Genetics | P.O. Box 9600, 2300 RC Leiden | Postal zone S4-P
Room R-04-022 | Phone +31 71 52 69513

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