[BBC] Monday May 10 at 16:00: Dr. Pjotr Prins (UTHSC, USA) and Dr. Joep de Ligt (ESR, NZ) will give a joint UBC webinar over *COVID-19 sequencing*

Melquiond, A.S.J. (Adrien) a.s.j.melquiond at uu.nl
Wed May 5 12:45:01 CEST 2021

The Utrecht Bioinformatics Center<https://ubc.uu.nl/>  is happy to announce their next online seminar on Monday May 10 (16:00-17:30). Dr. Joep de Ligt<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=z2edTLkAAAAJ&hl=en> and Dr. Pjotr Prins<https://thebird.nl/> will present their work on "COVID-19 sequencing in New Zealand and the PubSeq<https://covid19.genenetwork.org/> SARS-CoV-2 public sequence resource”, which originated from an online biohackathon last year.

If you are interested in joining (free attendance), click on the event link: https://ubc.uu.nl/events/ubc-seminar-covid-19-sequencing-in-new-zealand-and-the-pubseq-sars-cov-2-public-sequence-resource/

Joep de Ligt is the science lead genomics and bioinformatics at New Zealand’s ESR and heavily involved in the genomic sequencing of the Covid 19 virus. He also assists in informed virus spread epidemiology and contact tracing. Joep is of the opinion that SARS-CoV-2 sequencing and accompanying results should be available to everyone on the planet. New Zealand benefits from sequences uploaded by individual labs world-wide and ESR contributes to PubSeq metadata efforts and online sequence uploading using the Oxford Nanopore sequencer, with the goal of enabling sequencing everywhere.

Pjotr Prins is an assistant professor in Genetics, Genomics and Informatics at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. UTHSC supports FAIR data initiatives and actively uses PubSeq to build phylogenetic trees. In the context of PubSeq Pjotr and colleagues also contribute to new pangenome methods that benefit from open data exchange.

Joep and Pjotr are former members of UBC<https://ubc.uu.nl> and they still help organising their award-winning MSc. Course Advanced Bioinformatics: data mining and data integration for life sciences<https://osiris.uu.nl/osiris_student_uuprd/OnderwijsCatalogusSelect.do?selectie=cursus&cursus=BMB502114&collegejaar=2020&taal=en>


PubSeq: https://covid19.genenetwork.org/
Joep: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=z2edTLkAAAAJ&hl=en
Pjotr home: https://thebird.nl/

Best regards,
Adrien Melquiond

Adrien Melquiond<https://www.uu.nl/staff/ASJMelquiond>, PhD
* Coordinator of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center (UBC) | Hans Freudenthal 0.07 | Budapestlaan 6, 3584CD Utrecht | https://ubc.uu.nl<https://ubc.uu.nl/> | +31.(0)30.2536617 | ubc_AT_uu.nl<mailto:ubc at uu.nl>
* Asst. Prof. in Bioinformatics at the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM), UMC Utrecht | Stratenum 1.304 | Universiteitsweg 100, 3584CG Utrecht | +31.(0)88.75.68790 | a.s.j.melquiond_AT_umcutrecht.nl<mailto:a.s.j.melquiond at umcutrecht.nl>
Contact hours: UBC: Tue-Thu | CMM: Mon-Wed-Fri

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