[BBC] PhD/postdoc in multimodal ML for molecular maps of human tissue

Joana Gonçalves -EWI Joana.Goncalves at tudelft.nl
Tue Oct 5 17:44:21 CEST 2021

A fully funded PhD/postdoc position is available at the TU Delft in multimodal machine learning for molecular maps of human tissue. The position is in the context of HuBMAP<https://hubmapconsortium.org/>, the Human BioMolecular Atlas Program funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH, USA), and involves active collaboration with our partners in the US (Vanderbilt University and others).

You will do research on multimodal machine learning methods to discover and leverage patterns across heterogeneous high-dimensional molecular profiles. Some topics of interest:
- Integration of measurements for different types of molecular species (using techniques such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and lipidomics).
- Multiscale analysis along various dimensions at different resolutions, spatial and/or temporal.
- Recognition of coherent and contrasting/differential patterns.
- Machine learning of cell types and other functional tissue structures based on molecular content.
- Interpretability of multimodal pattern recognition and prediction models.

Salary: PhD candidate (from € 2434 per month in the first year to € 3111 in the fourth year), Postdoc (scale 10: € 2836 - € 4474)
Application deadline: 3rd November 2021 (ongoing selection until the position is filled)
Read more and apply at: https://www.tudelft.nl/over-tu-delft/werken-bij-tu-delft/vacatures/details?jobId=3994

Joana Gonçalves
Assistant Professor

TU Delft | Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics

Meet (MS Teams): https://edu.nl/k4jxr
Meet (Zoom): https://tudelft.zoom.us/my/joanagoncalves
Web: http://joanagoncalves.org

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