[BBC] positions available at NBIS in Sweden

Lieven Sterck Lieven.Sterck at psb.vib-ugent.be
Mon Jul 4 15:05:21 CEST 2022

Dear all, 

NBIS (National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden) now has three bioinformatician positions available, all with application deadline August 15 . All three positions are permanent, all placed at Uppsala University in Sweden. NBIS is built up of 120 highly talented bioinformaticians, system developers, and data stewards, all working to support Swedish researchers. We also have a strong international component with a lot of collaboration in European projects, not the least through ELIXIR where NBIS also constitutes the Swedish node (ELIXIR-SE) . We are now in an expansive phase and need to strengthen our support teams. NBIS is a great place to learn and grow as a bioinformatician, with hundreds of exciting projects every year and a lot of support available from highly talented colleagues, and we are now hoping to add even more talent to our teams! 

1-2 positions focus on genome assembly, in Swedish projects or in international projects in the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) consortium. 1 position focuses on evolutionary and comparative genomic analyses on large genomes. Please note that these are not post doc positions, they are permanent staff scientist positions with the main responsibility to support research or infrastructure projects. 

Please see below for more information and how to apply. Note that we do not accept applications via email, please use the links provided in the webpages linked below: 

1-2 positions in genome assembly: 
[ https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=518948 | https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=518948 ] 

1 position in evolutionary genomics: 
[ https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=518909 | https://www.uu.se/en/about-uu/join-us/details/?positionId=518909 ] 

Please see contact details in the advertisements if you have any questions about the positions. 

Kind regards, 
Henrik Lantz 
Support manager, NBIS 
Uppsala, Sweden 

Lieven Sterck - Senior Scientist 

VIB-UGent Center for Plant Systems Biology 
Ghent University 
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 71 - 9052 Ghent - Belgium 
Tel. +32(0)9 331 38 21 
[ http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be/ | http://bioinformatics.psb.ugent.be ] 

"Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true" 
- H. Simpson 

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