[BBC] 2 open positions in colorectal cancer bioinformatics

Sara Verbandt sara.verbandt at kuleuven.be
Tue Jul 12 08:17:13 CEST 2022

Dear all,

The group of Prof Sabine Tejpar (KULeuven) is looking for 2 expert bioinformaticians to strengthen their team.

The group performs deep characterization of colorectal polyps, tumors and metastases to understand tumor development and immune evasion to find novel biomarkers and design better therapies. The team exploits state of the art single cell (transcriptomics, genomics, methylation) and spatial (multiplex immune fluorescence, spatial transcriptomics analyses) to deeply mine the immune environment. These data are mined to define genomic, transcriptomic changes during tumor evolution and how these define the regional tumor environment. Selected candidates will have early access to clinical data and will become part of a large international network of single cell and imaging analysts.


We would be very happy to have highly enthusiastic people join our team

Kind regards


Sara Verbandt, PhD
Postdoctoral researcher
Molecular digestive oncology
KU Leuven
UZ Herestraat 49 - box 818
B-3000 Leuven
Tel. +32 16 37 76 75<tel:+32%2016%2037%2076%2075>

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