[Seminars] PSB event reminder

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Tue Nov 24 09:10:01 CET 2009

Calendar Name: seminars
Scheduled for: Tuesday, November 24 2009, 11:00 - 12:30
Event text:    Dr Arp Schnittger
	       Institut de Biologie Moléculaire des Plantes du CNRS
	       IBMP-CNRS - UPR2357
	       Université de Strasbourg
	       Department of Molecular Mechanisms of Phenotypic 
Details:       “Analysis of the major cell cycle kinase CDKA;1 during
	       Arabidopsis growth and development”
	       Proper control of cell proliferation is of key
	       importance for any multicellular organism and requires a
	       tight coordination with growth and differentiation. At
	       the heart of the eukaryotic cell cycle are
	       cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) that regulate the entry
	       into the next cell-cycle phase. In particular, high
	       levels of CDK activity are required for entry and
	       progression of DNA synthesis phase (S-phase) and for
	       execution of mitosis (M-phase). CDKs function as
	       microprocessors and integrate extrinsic cues, such as
	       nutrient availability, with intrinsic cues, for instance
	       the developmental program and only if a certain
	       threshold of CDK activity is reached will the entry into
	       the next cell-cycle phase be promoted. Here, I will
	       focus on the control and function of the major cell
	       cycle regulator CDKA;1, the Arabidopsis homolog of the
	       animal Cdk1 protein. CDKA;1 is required throughout plant
	       development, starting from meiosis to the development of
	       the gametophytes, embryonic and postembryonic growth.
	       Comparing the action and regulation of CDKs in plants
	       with what has been found in other model organisms shows
	       that the mechanistics of Cdk1-like kinases are
	       conserved. However, the regulatory context and the
	       wiring appear to be species-specific adapted.

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